With life getting busier and busier, I haven’t had as much time for The Blah Blah as I did when I originally started it.  So lately I’ve been asking myself tough questions like whether I should even keep going.  It’s a lot of work with very little reward, and when other responsibilities are calling, I’ve seriously been considering just ending the whole thing.

But I really do think the world needs The Blah Blah.  Not because I’m so great a writer or because I’m the world’s greatest source of musical information.  I’m a wannabe music geek, not the real thing.

What it comes down to is that if I don’t keep going, the world of music blogs will continue to slide into two camps – the CCM-saturated Christian camp on the one hand, and the secular indie music camp on the other.  The Blah Blah is by no means the only blog offering good indie music made by Christians, but I think it’s needed.  I get e-mails from artists and readers on a daily basis thanking me for doing The Blah Blah.  People have been inspired, challenged, and encouraged to seek God and stop using lame Christian music as an excuse to run from Him.  I do think the on-line world needs The Blah Blah.

It’s with this in mind that I’ve decided to post once a week, and more when I can.  I don’t have the time anymore to post daily, but I’m not ready to give up completely.  So look for weekly posts from myself for now (and more when possible), but keep your eyes open because I’ve got some guest writers hopping on board to help keep everything moving forward.

Which brings me to another thing – if you’re interested in getting involved writing for The Blah Blah, let me know.  My hope when I started this thing was to be a catalyst for others to hop on board – the real music geeks.  So if you’d like to write for me, send me an e-mail at theblahblah8007@yahoo.com.  Maybe you just wanna write an article one time and then be done, or maybe you wanna write every week – whatever you want to do, let’s get some more voices being heard!

I’m tired of writing almost every article myself.  I want to hear different views and discover new artists that I myself would never be able to find.

So, on the one hand, I’m sad to make the slimming down of my involvement with The Blah Blah official, but on the other hand, this could be the start of something really great – getting more people involved, more views shared, more voices heard.  I’ve built up quite a readership over the past year that I’ve been going – now’s your chance to capitalize on it.

P.S. Don’t worry: this isn’t my “official” weekly post – I’ve got some MP3s coming later today.